Ultimate Tech Camps

Training Videos 2024

Before the Course

Setting up Accounts

Setting up Accounts (Step-by-Step Guide for 2024)

Before the course begins, you’ll need to set up a Teacher account in order to run the Machine Learning projects with your children. You can then create and edit classes, creating a new class for each week. This is nice and simple, as the class will share a password, and will just need a unique username. In this video, we show you how.

Day 1

Arcade Games

Day 1 – Project 1 – Food Grabber (MakeCode Arcade)

This project is an excellent introduction to MakeCode Arcade. It gets the children used to using variables and sprites, building in movement and positioning, and creating gameplay through collision detection.

Day 1 – Project 2 – Space Shooter (MakeCode Arcade)

This project builds up their knowledge, introducing them to loops, building in lives and developing a scoring mechanism. It also introduces the concept of projectiles. They’ll have a chance to design their own space-themed backgrounds and characters too.

Day 1 – Project 3 – Falling Fruit (MakeCode Arcade)

This project expands on the Space Shooter, by introducing Lists as a way of keeping track of all the on-screen items. Here we’ll see how we can detect when we catch a falling object, and how to detect when we miss!

Day 2

BBC micro:bit Apps and Games

Day 2 – Project 1 – BBC micro:bit Introduction (BBC micro:bit)

In this project, we explore the capabilities of the micro:bit by learning about strings, drawing and animation, and we introduce random numbers and the motion sensor to create a working dice.

Day 2 – Downloading Projects onto the BBC micro:bit (BBC micro:bit)

A step-by-step guide on how to copy projects to the micro:bit for testing.

Day 2 – Project 2 – Fitness Device (BBC micro:bit)

In this project, we’ll use the accelerometer to turn our micro:bits into a step tracker, with step goals.

Day 2 – Project 3 – Spirit Level (BBC micro:bit)

In this project, we’ll use the accelerometer to turn our micro:bits into a working spirit level, whilst introducing the children to conditional programming as we delve into logic through if statements.

Day 2 – Project 4 – Messaging App (BBC micro:bit)

In this project, we’ll use the radio within the micro:bit to transmit a text message from one micro:bit to another.

Day 2 – Project 5 – Weather Station (BBC micro:bit)

In this project, we’ll turn our micro:bits into a Weather Station, developing the children’s experience with conditional programming as we introduce else into logic. We’ll also show you how to bring in learnings from the Messaging App so the students can send temperature data from one micro:bit to another.

Day 3

BBC micro:bit Games and Machine Learning

Day 3 – Project 1 – Micro:bit Dash (BBC micro:bit)

We’ll create our first micro:bit game here, where the player has to get from one side of the screen to the other, scoring points and avoiding the enemies. Children will have the chance to challenge themselves with additional game mechanics.

Day 3 – Project 2 – Funny Faces (Scratch)

In our first Machine Learning project, we’ll use an existing ML model, trained on faces, to allow us to create a fun “filter” using our webcams.

Day 3 – Project 3 – Colour Changing Alien (ML/Scratch)

In our first Machine Learning project, we’ll use an existing ML model, trained on faces, to allow us to create a fun “filter” using our webcams.

Day 3 – Project 4 – Introduction to Python (Python)

In our first Machine Learning project, we’ll use an existing ML model, trained on faces, to allow us to create a fun “filter” using our webcams.

NOTE: If you ever find that you’re unable to type in Scratch (for example, you are unable to rename a sprite or you’re unable to type into a block of code), don’t worry. It is a common issue with an easy fix. Open a new tab in the browser and then switch back to Scratch, and you’ll find that you’ll be able to type again.

Day 4

Website Projects and Arcade Games

Day 4 – Project 1 – Exploring Website Design (Websites)

Let’s have some fun by changing the BBC Newsround website and exploring how websites work.

Day 4 – Project 2 – HTML and CSS (Websites)

We’ll write our own code here and learn the rules of HTML and CSS, seeing how the two are linked.

Day 4 – Project 3 – Making a WordPress Site (Websites)

Taking our knowledge further, children will have the chance to be really creative by making their own websites! They can theme and style their site, and make a website about anything they like! They can add videos, logos and even their own games!

Day 4 – Project 4 – Ghost House (MakeCode Arcade)

Our final project on the main course will take everything we’ve learnt and bring in new elements too such as cameras, allowing us to design bigger levels, two new enemy types, plus a health-based system too. There are some fun additional challenges, and time for the children to really make this game their own.

Extended Activities

Additional Projects

The extended activities have been designed for you to use if you have additional time and need an extra project. They are also typically more advanced projects, so they work well with older children with more programming experience. They are also designed to support children who may have already attended Ultimate Tech Camps so they have new activities to enjoy.

Extended Activity – Project 1 – Platformer Game (MakeCode Arcade)

In this additional activity, we’ll create a cool side-scrolling platformer game, introducing some basic physics, resulting in an open-ended game the children can make their own.

Extended Activity Pack 1 – Project 2 – Falling Object Game (BBC micro:bit)

In this project, we’ll recreate one of our arcade games, but with the micro:bit. We’ll use the accelerometer to build a tilt-based game, where we have to catch falling objects.

Extended Activity Pack 1 – Project 3 – Face ID (ML/Scratch)

We will train a Machine Learning model to recognise an individual base, and build a “mobile phone” facial recognition application to allow or deny a user access.

Extended Activity Pack 1 – Project 4 – Food Catcher (BBC micro:bit)

Let’s see if we can recreate, on the micro:bit, the first arcade game we made on day 1, but using tilt-based controls. We’ll need to create our own countdown timer system here too, and we’ll explore sound and music.

Extended Activity Pack 2 – Project 1 – Multiplayer Target Gallery (MakeCode Arcade)

In this advanced game, we introduce multiplayer for the first time, as we build a 2-player shooting gallery game which can be played online.

Extended Activity Pack 2 – Project 2 – Trajectory Darts (MakeCode Arcade)

In this advanced game, we will use an extension to allow us to build in projectiles that fly with a path, allowing the player to aim as they fire darts to score points.

Extended Activity Pack 2 – Project 3 – Space Invaders (BBC micro:bit)

We’ll recreate the classic Space Invaders game in this awesome micro:bit project.

Extended Activity Pack 2 – Project 4 – Voice Activated App (ML/Scratch)

In our final Machine Learning project, we will train a voice recognition to recognise keywords, as the children get to be creative building an information app about anything they like, and build in voice controls!